Reproducible environments with

or how to be able to run your current code in ~5 years

Iliya Tikhonenko


2023-11-13, USM Code Coffee

Functional package management

What’s it?

  1. Install a package

    $ guix install firefox
    $ apt install firefox
  2. Delete a package

    $ guix remove firefox
    $ apt remove firefox
  3. Update database

    $ guix pull
    $ apt update
  4. Undo

    $ guix package --roll-back
    $ apt 🤷🤷🤷

GNU Guix is a

  • functional

    (package contents explicitly depend on its dependencies and isolated build environment)

  • transactional

    (if something does wrong during the upgrade, the system just remains in its original state)

  • source-based

    (everything is built from source, but in most cases binary substitutes are used)

package manager with particular focus on reproducibility.

$ guix install samtools bowtie

Figure stolen from C. Baines slides who in turn gives credit to Ricardo Wurmus

$ guix remove bowtie

Figure stolen from C. Baines slides who in turn gives credit to Ricardo Wurmus

$ guix package --roll-back

Figure stolen from C. Baines slides who in turn gives credit to Ricardo Wurmus

Managing computational environments

0. pip and virtualenv

  1. Manages python dependencies
  2. Does not ensure compatibility of dependencies (just installs them)
  3. Makes assumptions about outside environment (python, C/C++/Fortran libraries)

An example

$ pip install scipy
... lots of errors ...
 numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: No BLAS/LAPACK libraries found. Note: Accelerate is no longer supported.
  To build Scipy from sources, BLAS & LAPACK libraries need to be installed.
  See site.cfg.example in the Scipy source directory and for details.

1/2. environment modules

$ module purge
$ module load intel/19.1.3 impi/2019.9 mkl/2019.4 \
         anaconda/3/2021.11 cmake/3.24 hdf5-mpi/1.12.1
  1. Adjusts environment variables (PATH etc) to make additional software available.
  2. Consistency of dependencies – ensured ‘by hand’

find-module hdf5-mpi | grep 1.14.2 on

hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/10 impi/2021.6) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/10 impi/2021.7)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/10 impi/2021.9) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/10 openmpi/4)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/10 openmpi/4.1) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/11 impi/2021.6)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/11 impi/2021.7) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/11 impi/2021.9)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/11 openmpi/4)   hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/11 openmpi/4.1)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/12 impi/2021.6) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/12 impi/2021.7)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/12 impi/2021.9) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/12 openmpi/4)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/12 openmpi/4.1) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/13 impi/2021.6)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/13 impi/2021.7) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/13 impi/2021.9)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/13 openmpi/4)   hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading gcc/13 openmpi/4.1)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/2023.1.0.x impi/2021.9) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/2023.1.0.x openmpi/4)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/2023.1.0.x openmpi/4.1) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/21.6.0 impi/2021.6)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/21.6.0 openmpi/4)   hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/21.6.0 openmpi/4.1)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/21.7.1 impi/2021.7) hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/21.7.1 openmpi/4)
hdf5-mpi/1.14.1 (after loading intel/21.7.1 openmpi/4.1)

… but what if I need hdf5-mpi/1.14 and intel/19?

1. conda (or mamba)

  1. Manages packages (not limited to python)
  2. Solves entire environments

$ conda create -n test astropy

The following packages will be downloaded:
    package                    |            build
    astropy-5.3.4              |  py312ha883a20_0         8.8 MB
    blas-1.0                   |              mkl           6 KB
    bzip2-1.0.8                |       h7b6447c_0          78 KB
                                           Total:       269.6 MB

1. conda (or mamba) – hidden assumptions

  1. Manages binaries 1:
    • compiler versions?
    • architecture-specific optimizations?
  2. ldd $HOME/opt/micromamba/envs/…/bin/gfortran (0x00007ffcf874f000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7058af8000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7058906000)
      /lib64/ (0x00007f7058c6b000)

    … still depends on the underlying system

2. Docker or Apptainer

  1. Manages self-contained images
  2. Builds isolated (using Linux kernel features) environments
  3. Environments are immutable, but can be extended

Example (non-scientific..)

$ docker run --name … -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=… -d postgres
Unable to find image 'postgres:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/postgres
578acb154839: Downloading [==============================================>    ]  27.28MB/29.15MB
8a9a8dd839ec: Download complete 
9a28d48e5d8f: Download complete 

Dockerfiles (and reproducibility)

slothai/numpy does not use apk update (i.e. a dependency on a remote resource), but some Dockerfiles do

FROM slothai/openblas as openblas
FROM python:3.6.5-alpine3.7
# Metadata as defined at

COPY --from=openblas /opt/OpenBLAS/ /opt/OpenBLAS/
    org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$VCS_REF \
    org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \
    org.label-schema.vendor="SlothAI <>" \
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .meta-build-dependencies \
        gcc \
        musl-dev && \
    apk add --no-cache gfortran && \
    wget -O numpy.tar.gz "$NUMPY_VERSION.tar.gz" && \
    tar xzf numpy.tar.gz && rm -f numpy.tar.gz && \
    echo -e "[openblas]\nlibraries = openblas\n\
library_dirs = /opt/OpenBLAS/lib\n\
include_dirs = /opt/OpenBLAS/include\n\
runtime_library_dirs = /opt/OpenBLAS/lib\
" > /numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION/site.cfg && \
    pip install Cython==0.28.2 && \
    cd /numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION/ && python build --parallel=$(nproc) --fcompiler=gfortran && \
    python install && cd / && \
    rm -rf /numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION/ && \
    pip uninstall --yes Cython && \
    apk del .meta-build-dependencies && \
    find / -type d -name __pycache__ -exec rm -r {} +

Guix Examples

Creating an environment

Declaring everything at once (manifests)

  (list "openblas" "openmpi"
        ;; …

and then

$ guix shell -m manifest.scm strace 
                             #^^^^ additional package for debugging

Adding packages iteratively (profiles)

$ guix install openblas -p ./myenv
$ guix install openmpi -p ./myenv
$ guix package --export-manifest -p ./myenv > manifest.scm

Running code in the environment

$ guix shell -m manifest.scm

Pure environments

$ guix shell --pure --preserve=^OMP_NUM_THREADS … 

unsets all environment variables (PATH and friends) except those that are --preserved.


$ guix shell --container \
  --share=output-dir \
  --expose=…=/input-dir \
  -m manifest.scm \
  coreutils strace grep sed -- ./run -i /input-dir -o output-dir

process, filesystem (unless --exposed or --shared) and network isolation (unless -N is used) using Linux cgroups & namespaces.

Reproducing environments

What we need

  1. Code and data

  2. manifest.scm

  3. A description the current Guix and used channels:

    guix describe -f channels > guix-version-for-reproduction.txt

How to reproduce

guix time-machine -C guix-version-for-reproduction.txt -- shell -C ...

< code from 2021 example >

Missing software?

Custom channels

  • E.g.

    ;; add to ~/.config/guix/channels.scm
      (name 'guix-science)
      (url "")
             "CA4F 8CF4 37D7 478F DA05  5FD4 4213 7701 1A37 8446"))))

Import from another PM

$ guix import … >> /path/to/custom/definitions/file.scm
$ guix shell -L /path/to/custom/definitions … 


  • Guix does not natively work on MacOS (but can work on a Linux VM inside)
  • Requires root for installation, not available on an average HPC cluster
    (but there is guix pack);
  • There is a lot of software still missing / outdated;
  • Not as easy and fast as conda install;
  • Scheme for writing packages / manifests;
  • Build farm ( sometimes fails to build everything in time and Guix starts building packages, which can take a while (use guix weather … to check);
  • /gnu/store can weight a few hundred of gigabytes (but there is guix gc to clean currently unused package versions).
